Friday, June 3, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rome's empire declines and fell, test tomorrow!

Today in class we reviewed for the test tomorrow. We were able to contribute our own questions and Mr. Schick put them on the test. Information like: what the roman empire was beset by? and how was trade disrupted? will be on the test. Hopefully I will do well. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today we worked on a paper discussing Rome's empire declining and falling. I worked with Emily Waite on it. The paper reviewed how trade was disrupted in the Roman empire. The reason it was disrupted was because of the barbarian raids.  We listen to Mozart in class, which made us smarter! more smart? Umm, anyway! It was really hot in school today,  8 more days (including exam days) left!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rome's empire declines and fell.

Commodus: Aurelius's son. He was an irresponsible Emperor. He became a cruel ruler and in A.D. 192, he was strangled in his bath. The decline of the empire, however, continued for almost 300 years. 

Diocletian- a strong willed army leader and son of a slave, became that new emperor in AD 284. He tried to restore order in the empire and increase its strength. 

Constantine- marched to the Tiber River to hight his cheif rival

eastern empire: Greek speaking, Greece, Asia, Minor, Syria and Egypt. Included most of the great cities and trade centers of the empire. 

western empire: Latin speaking, Italy, Gaul, Britannia,  and Spain.

Edict of Milan: man who made Christianity a religion that was approved  by the emperor. 

Constantinople: thus, the center of empire shifted from west to east, there was a new capital that was protected by massive walls and gleamed with stately buildings. They city even had a new name Constantinople. 

Huns: central people from Asia.

Attila:  under this new leader, The Huns became more dangerous. 

Leo I: the first powerful pope of Rome.

1. The economic problems the empire faced in the third century was  that trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on Mediterranean sea lanes. 

2. Rome's army changed since the days of the republic because Roman soldiers now fought strictly for money, not for patriotism. 

3a. The important religious change Constantine brought about in the empire is he out a Christian symbol on his soldiers' shields. 
3b. He brought about the end to the persecution of Christians. From Milan, he granted both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose. In 395, the emperor theodosius made christianity the empire's official religion. 

4a. The Germanic tribes invaded the empire in the 400's because  the Germanic tribes were terrified of the Huns, a nomadic people from central Asia. 
4b. When the Huns began to move west, they began the massive movement of Germanic peoples that eventually destroyed the western half of the Roman empire. 

5. Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor because he double the size of the Roman armies. He might be considered a failure because the wages for the new troops added to the already crushing load of taxes, price controls failed and even when he lived, his plans failed. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today in class we worked on our rough drafts for our essays. This essay is on the Roman Republic vs. the Roman Empire. It has to be around 500 words. I worked very hard on mine and Emily Kenedy checked it for me. My essay was too long so I have to work on it more for homework. I check Emily Kenedy's, Emily Stasuk's, Colleen's and Mark's essays'.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Roman Republic vs. Roman Empire

Today in class we worked on our essay. The essay compares the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Mr. Schick was not here today so we were with a sub. I spent my time wisely and got a lot of my paper done. The End. WEEKEND TIME! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today we took a test on the Ancient Roman Empire. I thought I did really well on the test, it was pretty easy. It was mostly questions about the Emperors we learned about. We also had time before class to review which helped. TEST DAY HURRAY! FUN FUN FUN.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Test tomorrow on Roman empire

Tomorrow we have a test, that we reviewed for today. We looked over the power point on Rome. It went over the important people we learned about like Augustus, Jesus, Paul, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Julius Ceaser. There were some odd emperors back then, but i think learning about them was very interesting. Hopefully I will do well on tomorrows test.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today in class we took notes on a power point and reviewed emperors and important people of ancient Rome. Augustus ruled during Pax Romana which was a period of peace and prosperity. Augustus concentrated on what was going on at the time. He built roads, aqueducts- great technological breakthrough (like public pluming.) Even had a postal serve back then. Augustus was emperor when Jesus was born. 
Jesus was a roman citizen practicing Jew. He lived in an area that was controlled by the romans. He was a roman citizen.  He focused on the poor, and talked to them and reached out to the outsiders. Pontius Pilate sentenced him to death  by crucifixion. Paul told the world about Jesus' life, death, resurrection and message.He was blinded when he was knocked off his horse and was blind for a few days, once he got his sight back he saw Jesus. He traveled as far as Rome, jerusalem, cyprus, anatolia, athens, corinth, macedonia and spread the word. 
Tiberius was Augustus' stepson and adopted son. He was not Octavians first choice for emperor. He was a great general, he was a dark, sober, reclusive, and reluctant emperor. He referred to the Senate as "men fit to be slaves." Germanicus started out as Tiberius' ally, but when it looked like he would suceed Tiberius had Germanicus killed. 

Caligul was Germanicus' son, he was Tiberius' adopted grandson , he was put in life for next emperor. He started off well, he granted bonuses to those in the military. He began to fight with the senate. He was considered to be insane. He claimed to be god. He slept with other men's wives and bragged about it, sex was a big part of his life and he even tried to make his horse a consul and a priest. He was assassinated by his own aids. 

When Claudius was a baby or was  young he had a disability that gave him a limp, somewhat deaf, possible speech impediment .He rose to the occasion, he conquered britain, built roads, canals, and aqueducts and he renovated the Circus Maximus. He has an awful marriage to Messalina, who was unfaithful to him. He had his wife killed, and his wife's lover. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius.

             Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. Tiberius was Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD. Tiberius would later marry Augustus' daughter Julia the Elder and even later be adopted by Augustus, bearing the name Tiberius Julius Caesar. The subsequent emperors after Tiberius would continue this blended dynasty of both families for the next forty years; historians have named it the Julio-Claudian dynasty. In relations to the other emperors of this dynasty, Tiberius was the stepson of Augustus, great-uncle of Caligula, paternal uncle of Claudius, and great-great uncle of Nero.He is remembered as a dark, reclusive, and somber ruler who never really desired to be emperor. 
          Caligula was also known as Gaius, was Roman Emperor from 37 to 41. Caligula's father Germanicus was the nephew and adopted son of emperor Tiberius. He was a very successful general and one of Rome's most beloved public figures. The young Gaius earned the nickname Caligula (meaning "little soldier's boot")  from his father's soldiers while accompanying him during his campaigns in Germania.
           Claudius was Roman Emperor from 41 to 54. Afflicted with a limp and slight deafness due to sickness at a young age, his family ostracized him and excluded him from public office until his consulship with his nephew Caligula in 37. Claudius' infirmity probably saved him from the fate of many other nobles during the purges of Tiberius' and Caligula's reigns; potential enemies did not see him as a serious threat. His survival led to his being declared emperor by the Praetorian Guard after Caligula's assassination, at which point he was the last adult male of his family.Despite his lack of experience, Claudius proved to be an able and efficient administrator. He was also an ambitious builder, constructing many new roads, aqueducts, and canals across the empire. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Roman Empire

         Today in class we watched a movie called "The Roman Empire: In the First Century." We talked about Octavian aka. Augustus, who was a great and powerful ruler. When he ruled  for 40 years people liked him. Pax Romana is the time period when Augustus ruled Rome. In the movie it talked about how the areas surrounding Rome were considered part of Rome. This would explain why languages like Spanish, French etc. are so similar.         Augustus adopted a son named Tiberius. Tiberius was not Octavian's first choice as a new leader, but when Tiberius started to take over Rome, they started to see some problems. Tiberius was forced to marry Octavian's daughter, regardless of the fact that Tiberius was happily married. Dramaticus tried to fix the situation that Tiberius can't "connect with his people." Dramaticus had a wife and a son named Caligula "bootsie" Tiberius was paranoid that Dramaticus was going to take his rule so he had him killed.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Test Review 5/10/11

Today in class we reviewed over the Rome and Greek tests!  Emily Waite and I couldn't control our laughter because she couldn't pronounce "aristocracy" also, the fact that some of the questions on the Greek test started with "Hi there" also made me laugh, a lot. We are both easily amused. Overall i think today went pretty well. I did well on my Rome test, I got an A! So I am pretty happy about that. VOTE FOR RACHEL FOR PRESIDENT!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Today we took out test, I think I did well :) it wasn't too hard, however; there were a few tricky questions.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Today we took out test, I think I did well :) it wasn't too hard, however; there were a few tricky questions.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today we looked at our power points, and reviewed for the test tomorrow. A Consul highest elected office of the roman republic and appointed office. A republic  is a form of government in which the people, or some significant portion of them, retain supreme control over the government. Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equal say.  An Aristocracy is form in government in which the rich and powerful ruled. A Monarchy which is similar to a consul  is when all political power is passed down to an individual (usually hereditary). 
A Tyranny is unrestrained exercise of power; abuse of power. The Punic wars were a series of 3 wars fought between Rome and Carthange from 264 to 146 BC. Carthage is in Africa. Soon after the end of the third Punic war between Carthage and Rome, Rome becomes very big in size. Therefore because of Rome's conquest and growth it became an empire. Rome's victory over Carthage put them in control over the busy trade routes that once were controlled by Carthage. Huge amounts of goods and wealth poured into Rome, but this wealth soon caused Rome to decline. 

There were huge socioeconomic effects from the huge change in wealth. The wealthy started "latifundia's" which were plantations run with slave labor. These were cheaper to run and forced farmers to sell their land and move to Rome. With these "latifundia's," the rich kept getting richer and the poor kept getting poorer. Of course the rich were happy, powerful, and greedy, but this created a corruption. The poor on the other hand were angry and caused riots.Out of these riots, rose the Gracchus brothers.These brothers led movements for public good and redistribution of land. They also wanted the government to supply food to the poor and create a sort of "welfare." The Gracchus brothers were soon seen as a threat and were killed along with their followers. This triggered a one hundred-year war.

The Rubicon is a stream in nor eastern Italy. Julius Caesar in 58 BC started his conquest of Gaul, he wanted to get as rich as possible. After his campaign he decided to stay in Gaul with his army until he would be chosen as the consul. Political opponents wanted him to get back to Rome and be prosecuted for the things he did when he was a consul.
The first triumvirate was the political alliance of Gaius divided up Roman provinces. The First Triumvirate was the political alliance of Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.  Marcus Licinius Crassus was an influential Roman politician from the Late Republic.  Gnaeus Pomeius Magnus  was a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic.
 Julius caesar stabbed 23 times, last words were said to be "et tu brute"The assassination day was march 15,44 Bc. Learder of the conspiracy group against him was led by a man named Gaius Cassius.
 Octavian was the Grand-Newphew and adopted the son of Julius Ceaser.  Him and Mark Antony got revenge on the people who killed Julius. A war between octavian and mark eventually broke out. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today we talked about the death of osama bin laden, reviewed what we learned about Rome, and worked on a power point. Mr. Schick also let us retake the last quiz! I got a 9 out of 10  this time. Emily Waite and I worked on our power point. It's about latifundia and the Gracchus brothers. I really enjoy learning about Rome.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Pictures from the Rap

Tiber River 

The Etruscans




Roman Legion 

Hannibal on Elephant 


Julius Caesar 


Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today in class we talked about Rome and took a pop quiz. We talked about the ancient myth about Remus and Romulus. A Latin king feared they would claim his throne, so he ordered for them to be placed and a basket and put in the Tiber River (assuming they would drown.) Miraculously, a she- wolf found the half- starved infants and fed them with her own milk Soon after, a shepherd discovered the babies and brought them up as his sons. We also talked about Democracy vs. Republic. The difference is: in a democracy you vote directly, how everything is going to happen. and Republic: vote for person to represent you. 



consul- One of Two rulers of Rome. They were like Kings and they hall power over military and government. They could control life and death of citizens in wartime. They could only serve for a year and could not run again for ten years. 
veto- to overrule; in latin it means to forbid 
senate- the aristocratic branch of Rome's government.You ruled for life on the senate and you could be Plebian or Patrician.
assembly- The democratic side of Roman government was the assembly. It was run by the people which was all the citizens and soldiers. At first they had little power but it increased over the years. 
dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. 
mercenary- soldiers who fight in any country's army for pay. 


1. Many plebeians were dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the rebulic because they were banned by law from holding most important positions in government such as commanding armies, sering as high priests, or holding high offices. However, in time the plebeians won a great share of political power. Between 494 and 287 B.C., thousands of plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army unless patricians agreed to certain reforms. In this way, they gained access to many political offices and obtained more favorable laws. Enslavement for debt was ended, and marriage between patricians and plebeians was allowed. The plebeians created a written law code called the Twelve Tables, and published it. 

2. The Romans believed they had a balanced government because it was partly a monarchy (government by the king), partly a democracy (government by the people). The Romans believed the mixture gave them the bets features of all kinds of governments. 

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, to win the support of the conquered people were treated as full citizens of Rome. They could marry other Romans, cote in assemblies, and appeal for justice in a Roman court. 

4. At the start of the Punic Wars, Carthage appeared to have the stronger power because Carthange had a huge navy of 500 ships. Carthage was also very wealthy. With that wealth, Carthage employed the people of neighboring Numidia as mercenaries. Rome's resources in ships and weath seemed meager by comparision. However, this great disadvantage was offset by three advantages. However, Rome's great advantage was that they had loyal soldiers and luck. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Day of R0ME.

a.) republic: a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders.

b.) gravitas: weightiness or seriousness

c.) pater familias: the eldest man "father of the family"

d.) toga: an uncomfortable garment, hot in the summer and cold in the winter; easy to make and did not involve any sowing

e.) patrician: specially privileged families; claimed that their ancestry gave them their authority.

f.) plebeian:  the common farmers, artisans, and merchants

1. The geography helped Rome because it occupies an ideal position from which to send out ships and armies in all directions.

2. a.) Around 1000 B.C. the Latins settled on either side of the Tiber river, a region they called Latium. Rome began as the settlement of the Latin shepherds, no more then a cluster of round wooden huts perched atop the 300 foot Palatine Hill.
b.) Between 750 and 600 B.C. settlers from Greece established about 50 colonies on the coats of southern Italy and Sicily Their numerous colonies prompted the Latin to call this area "Greater Greece."  This brought all of Italy, including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization.
c.) The Etruscans had a great cultural influence on the Latins. Eventually the Latin settlers of Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet.

3. The Romans valued family ties. Throughout Rome's history, the character of of its citizens was influenced by group of values called "the ways of the fathers." The Romans emphasized discipline, strength, and loyalty.

4a.) The father of the family has complete power over the family. He controls all family property,he can even sell his own family members into slavery.

4b.) A woman in Rome had much greater freedom in Athens. She was a citizen, with the right to own property and testify in courts. she did not have the right to vote.

5.) All male citizens were required to serve in the army, and no one could old public office until he had served 10 years as a soldier. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Test Day Hurray!

Today is the last day before Easter break! We took our Greece test. Some of the multiple choice questions were difficult, but I still think I did well. For the essay, I did the one about Socrates. I enjoyed learning about him, which made writing the essay a breeze. Over all, I think I passed this test. Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Test Review

Today in Class we reviewed for the test on Greece tomorrow. Emily Kenedy also presented her project today. Her project was on Alexander's Conquest. The 3 questions from her presentation are: What battle did Alexander the Great loose? (trick question) Who was his tutor? How many kingdoms was him empire divided into after he died? I give her project a 98%. We took notes on what were reviewed in class. We reviewed the three architectural orders: Doric, Corinthian, ionic. The Parthenon has the Doric order. The frieze is a long stretch of painted, sculpted or even calligraphic decoration (on Parthenon, painted normal people). 
 People started revolting against their leader 508 BC. The ancient greek sculupures made out of Lime stone, bronze, and marble. There are 5 forms of greek art: architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Painted pottery, and music. The 3 big philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.  knowledge was important to Socrates, he  looked at the big picture; right and wrong, good and evil. He asked people questioned; it became known as Socratic method. He was charged with impiety(not respecting the gods and corrupting the youth of Athens. He died from Hemlock poisoning - sentenced to death at age 70.  He felt that what he did was right, and that he should be rewarded instead of punished. Plato was one of Socrates Students. The Allegory of Plato's cave is Socrates describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows. According to Socrates, the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality. He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not make up reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners. Aristotle was Plato's student.  He was the founder of logical theory. Aristotle believed that the greatest human endeavor is the use of reason in theoretical activity.He wanted Athens to be the one "place" where people could come and exchange knowledge.  We also talked about battles. Sparta started the Peloponnesian war, Sparta won. In Greeks Poets and Poetry there are 3 main categories: Drama, tragedies, comedy. They preformed their plays in theaters; big area, seats carved out of the hillside with a skene behind them. In the breakthrough in math and science, Aristarchus calculated how many miles the earth was around the circumference. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Alexander!

Today we continued watching the Alexander movie. Alexander was the king of Macedonia. We watched the very violent battle scene, and Colleen almost got sick. The battle of Gaugamela was greatly out numbered. It was 250,00 Persian soldiers vs. 40,000 Macedonian soldiers. Before they started fighting, Alexander gave his soldiers a "pep talk." And then, the battle started. The Persians fell into the Macedonian's trap and the Macedonians won the battle. We also watched the battle of Hydaspes. It had elephants, therefore; it was my favorite battle.

Emily also brought in delicious chocolate chip cookies! It was a good day.

I also got the notes I missed from being absent from Tuesday from Madi Day:

If you were an ancient female citizen you would see all the flaws of Socrates. He isn't attractive, but he is brilliant. He was put to death because of his ideas, he was making people think. He cared nothing for appearance are any of the other conventions of his day, he was only interested in the mind. He wanted to start a revolution in thinking all across the Greek world. The worlds first astronomers had gathered their views on astronomy, such as the movement of the stars, which they said the gods moved. They took to gods out of the heaven and replaced them with reason. Gradually the Greeks started to say, these are not persons, these are things. These Greeks began to calculate the movement of the Earth and the moon. It was the birth of science. Thales was the first great Greek scientist. He was the first man to measure the height of the Greek pyramid. The Greeks were making all these breakthroughs, learning that they can use science, mathematics, etc. Socrates was not interested in the stars and the heavens, he wanted to study people using reason and logic. He turned his back to the world of nature, he wanted to study the people. Socrates spent his days wandering the streets of Athens talking to people and studying them. He loves the city. His life was spent questioning the assumptions the fellow people of Athens asked about their life. Socrates told someone at a dinner party that he was more beautiful than this other man. A fight broke out. Socrates says you must make every decision on what you know is right, rather than no. Socrates says let no day pass without discussing an unexamined life is not worth living. He wants to make a point in the world. He want people to talk about reason.
The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War and Pericles was dead. The Athenians went to Socrates. For over 50 years Socrates had been questioning the ways of Athenian life. He changed the life of Athens. After they lost the war, he was arrested. The Athenians would now put to trial the one man that questioned the way they lived their lives. Socrates trial would be held in Athens central market place .He would be charged by a series of general citizens that had been chose. He would only be given a little time to defend him himself. He was timed by a water clock. He showed no fear to the face of his accuser's. He was stubborn, he said he would never cease to settle. It is not an approach designed to win sympathy. He is doing what he thinks is the right thing to do, he thinks the life he had chosen, which was thinking for yourself, was the best life to choose. If he simply apologized to the court, but instead he told the Jorey that he deserves free dinners. The court found Socrates guilty, with the penalty of death. He was taken to the court to Athens prison, the sight of the prison still exist, we can still trace the layout of the cell where Socrates was most likely hidden. He would be executed by drinking Hemlock. Some of the cups used for the Hemlock still exist. It was extremely painful. Socrates treated the affair as if it was nothing at all. He washed himself with the poison before he drank it. Socrates friends were more upset and broke down when the poison was poured. But Socrates to stop. He was dying on his bed,  his friends watched in silence. Socrates, in his life and in his death becomes a hero. From now on a hero of conviction. 
Greek decided to build a empire, in the depths of defeat. The need to be critical and self critical is the message Socrates left behind. He wanted the people to mature. Athens was never the great amount of power it was before but it was never not, it was in the middle.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great Movie!

Today we watched parts of a movie about Alexander the Great. We watched a clip of how Alexander got his horse. The horse was said to be "broken minded", but Alexander tamed him and named him Beucephelus. I learned that Alexander's father's name was Phillip. He was not as close with his father as he was with him mother. As a child he was tutored by Aristotle. His mother would tell Alexander that he was the son of a god. He became the leader of an empire by age 30 and fought in the battle of Gaugamela. This was a very violent battle and they were greatly out numbered. However, they used a smart strategy which allowed them to win the battle. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

sick.. agian!

Today on 4/13/11. I was sick AGAIN. Hopefully, i will be returning to school tomorrow.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Greece project day 3!

Today Emily Stasuk, Elena,  Cole and I each presented our projects to the class. For Emilys presentation, The Trial of Socrates, I came up with these 3 questions: Who came up with the question 'What is wisdom?'; What was Socrates charged with? How did Socrates die? I give her project a 98%. Elena project was on Greek poetry and poets. The 3 questions i came up with from Elena's project are: Who was the first woman poet? Was there any evidence that Homer was a real person? What are the 2 famous poems that Homer wrote? I give her project a 92% Cole's project was on the age of Pericles. the 3 questions i came up for his project are: What is another name for the age of Pericles? Why was the Parthenon built on top of the acropolis? How long did the age of Pericles last? i give his project an 100%

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greek Presentations day 2!

Today Amir and Colleen prosented their projects to the Class. Colleens presentation was on was on Greek Philosophy. The three questions i wrote down from her project are: What was Socrates method of teaching? How did he die? and Who was the most important Athenian philosopher? I gave Colleen's project an 88% Amirs project was on the Hellenic Age. He had some technical difficulties with his computer, however; he still wore a toga and talked about his project. The three question i wrote from his project was: How did the Hellenic Age? How did Alexander the Grate conquer?and What was the most common clothing during the Hellenic Age? I have Amir's project an 80% 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Greek Presentation

Today in class Emily Waite brought in blueberry pie for her presentation, it was delicious! Her project was on Breakthroughs in Math and Science. The three questions I wrote from this is: Why did the Greeks mostly focus on geometry? Who started the study of zoology? Also, what theorem is Pythagoras known for? I give her project a 96%! Rita Watson also presented her project today. It was really good/humorous! It was on Homer. The three questions that i wrote from her project is: Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey? Is it proven that Homer wrote these poems? How is it believed that he died? I give Rita a 93% on her project. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Greek Project

Today in class we talked about our Spring break project on Greece.We each chose a project at random. My project is on Greek architecture. We have about 10 days to work on this and we have the option of doing a powerpoint, writing an essay, making a video, or doing a rap. I will probably do a power point and paint a picture of the Parthenon for an example of Greek Architecture. This project is worth 100 point.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Greece Quiz

Today we had our quiz/test  on Greece. I got a 92%! I'm so glad i studied for it and worked on my blog, because we were about to use our blogs for the test. Some parts of the quiz was confusing.  My parents are going to be pleased!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review for the Greece Test

People/ Gods

Pericles: is a politician who was a genius, one of the individuals  who were part of Greek  intelligence

Clisthenes : was brought up from birth to be a ruler;
Clisthenes would see that these ordinary people should have freedom.
From his earliest says he was  taught he was an aristocrat.
Cleisthenes wanted regular people to govern their selves

The Corinthians: dominated greek trade.  

Spartans: were brought up from birth to be soliders.  Spartans were brought up to fight anything.

Mycenaean's: Began around 2000 BC.
Mycenaean kings dominated greece from 1600-1200 BC
Controlled trade in the region
1400 BC Mycenaean's invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language

Homer and Myths:
Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
Recorded stories of the Trojan War in The Iliad and the Odssey
(written 750-700 BC)
Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaean's
Homer was blind

Zeus: leader of the gods
Hera: Zeus' wife
Athena: goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus: was Cleisthenes brother in law , who came with a girl, she impersonates the goddess, Athena, and tells the people he's in charge.

Hippias: was in rule in Athens. His brother got killed, and he started tourchuring people. He didn’t trust anybody "he killed my brother hes gonna kill me next"  took away all the rights of the people, treated people unfairly.
Cleisthenes fought Hippias and took over Athens

Isagoris- fought Cleisthenes to run Athens and seis control
He turned outside Athens for support
He turned to the spartens, spartens provide troops to help
He didn’t want people to have power and freedom
Cleisthenes was cast out of Athens
Isagoris rulled athans

Pheidippedes - made 1 of the most atonishing athelic aceivments  140 miles in 2 days

Themistocles:  was one of histories greatest leaders, the savoir of his city
He realized if the persains came again they wernt going to be defeted.
Themistocles died in exile, persia.
He was ostracized- to banish or exclude somebody from society or from a particular group, either formally or informally.

Pericles:  a war hero , took Themistocles's place and
Became the new the leader of athen. He was a great leader.
Wanted to glorify athens, and he liked democracy
Even though he was an aristocrat
Create a city whose greatness was admired
Pericles planed an adventure
Wanted to make athens the undisputed leader of the mediteranians
Pericles takes the podium of the great democratic asembly
War, the city state with Sparta
Fictory of the spartens would make them the leader of the mediteranian sea
The athineans  embraced his plan,
Pericles new that this would not be an easy war to win
So he proposed this strategy..
He convinced athenains to retreat athens
Pericles would use the athen navy to atttack the spartens

Aspasia: what was known as a "companion" or a prostitute. Who was with Pericles
Pericles treated her as an equal though, he ivorced his wife and ended up marrying Aspasia.

Oedipus at a very early age was taken away from his parents  
Kills his father, marries his mother


Peloponnesian: the southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC

Mycenae: is located on a rocky ridge, is very well protected by a 20 ft. thick wall

Sparta: men's lives structured around discipline and war
When the men were away fighting women had a lot of responsibilities (men's work)

Xerxes: took rule of Persia (wanted to burn athens to the ground)
Gathered forces and troops
Persian army had set out for greece

Objects/ Vocab

Aristocrats: controlled everything that happened in Athens. Life was extremely tough. Athens was  turned against itself. The whole country was in the hands of a  few people.

Olympics: were a chance for any Greeks to display their quailty. Seize power whenever and  however you can

Crucible:  a vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high temperature chemical  reactions

ArĂȘte: Virtue of excellence
 Epics: Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
Myths:  were created to explain creation

Aristocrat- member of the ruling class

 acropolis- out cropping of rock. Built town on and around it

City-states: Greece was divided into city-states
Each had its own culture and history ; Often hated each other- did not get along, even though they had a lot in common (same gods). They didn’t get along because they were separated by mountains  and they were always competing

Tyrant- somebody that ceases  control (old greek definition)

Trireme- ancient ship, had men rowing it on 3 levels  170 men
Ram the enimies ship , expensive

Oracles- who comunicated with gods

Oracle of Delphi
They went to the oracle to see how they can be saved
The oracle told the athenians that they were doomed

Parthenon- in its time the most beautiful building ever build
Devoted to Athena, It was built to glorify Athens.. It was made from 20,000 tons of marble
When the building was completed, critics silenced
Was and still is the most glorious symbol of greek empire
40 foot high statue of Athenia inside had gold and jewels and ivory
15 years to build this

 Parthenon Frieze  - slab of marble chizle partial statue out of 500 feet worth
2 and a half inches thick  along the wall of the inside of the Parthenon

Hubris- excessive pride or arrogance


 from 1600-1200 BC: Mycenaean kings dominated greece

Around 1200 BC:  sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace

508 bc ordinary people turned on their rulers

483 bc silver found;  The Athenians wanted to divide the riches by them selves
200 triremes 

Greece test tomorrow! More notes on video

Themistocles was ostracized, died in exile, in Persia. The man who took his place was Pericles. He was a war hero. He became the new the leader of Athens, and he was a great leader. He wanted to glorify Athens, and he liked democracy, even though he was an aristocrat. He created a city whose greatness was admired. On the acropolis, 20 years early the Persians burnt down the temples. Pericles had other idea, he proposed a massive reconstruction plan. The Parthenon was,  in its time, the most beautiful building ever build. It was devoted to Athena. It was built to glorify Athens,  and had 20,000 tons of marble. When the building was completed, critics silenced. It was and still is the most glorious symbol of Greek empire. 
It has a 40 foot high statue of Athena inside it, with  gold and jewels and ivory.  It took 15 years to build this. The Parthenon Frieze is slab of marble; chizzle partial statue out of 500 feet worth. It's 2 and a half inches thick  along the wall of the inside of the Parthenon. This time period is known as "THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE OR THE AGE OR PERICLES." A woman named Aspasia, was known as a "companion" or a prostitute. She was with Pericles, who treated her as an equal. He divorced his wife and ended up marrying Aspasia. Greece had the worlds first theater, the greeks invented drama. It had two catigories:  comedies and tragedies. A man named Oedipus was ,at a very early age, taken away from his parents. He 
killed his father and marries his mother. When he found out the truth about his father and mother he gouged his eyes out. Pericles planed an adventure, he wanted to make Athens the undisputed leader of the Mediteranian. Hubris is excessive pride or arrogance. Pericles takes the podium of the great democratic assembly. He wanted to go to war with the Spartans. Pericles new that this would not be an easy war to win. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Themistocles was one of histories greatest leaders and he was the savoir of his city. He realized if the Persians came again they wernt going to be defeated. Athenian’s discovered silver in 483 BC, Themistocles wanted to spend the money on ships, but he knew right away that the Athenians wouldn't want too and that they would want to divide the riches among themselves. So he found a way too convince them to use the silver for ships and they grew into a great naval force. The ships that they used were called triremes. It is an ancient ship,that had men rowing it on 3 levels with  170 men total. The ship could ram into their enemies ships easily. A man named  Xerxes, took rule of Persia and he wanted to burn athans to the ground. So they gathered forces and troops and became one of the greatest forces. When the athianens found out that the persains were going to attack, they turned to their gods. They went to oracles, people who comunicated with the gods. They went to the oracle in Delphi, to see how they can be saved, and the oracle basically told them that they were doomed. However, Themistocles refused to panic and wanted to fight the Persians at sea. So then, the people of Athens evacuated and the Persians invaded and burnt their temples and buildings down. Themistocles had a plan, and tricked the Persians and the Athenians won the battle! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More of the video!

Today we continued watching the video about Greece. When Hippias was in rule in Athens,  he started tourchuring people. He didn’t trust anybody because his brother was killed.He toke away all the rights of the people,and treated people unfairly. An aristocrat named Cleisthenes fought Hippias and took over Athens. He treated his people fairly. Then, A man named Isagoris fought Cleisthenes to run Athens and seis control. He turned outside Athens for support, and when to the Spartens to provide troops. Isagoris didn’t want people to have power and freedom. Then, these regular people of Athens attacked their ruler. 
This is the first time in human history when regular people rose up against their leaders and threw them out of power. They soon turn back to Cleisthenes and he returned to Athens. Together the citizens disused their future and voted on their decisions and chose how they wanted to live.