Thursday, March 17, 2011

More of the video!

Today we continued watching the video about Greece. When Hippias was in rule in Athens,  he started tourchuring people. He didn’t trust anybody because his brother was killed.He toke away all the rights of the people,and treated people unfairly. An aristocrat named Cleisthenes fought Hippias and took over Athens. He treated his people fairly. Then, A man named Isagoris fought Cleisthenes to run Athens and seis control. He turned outside Athens for support, and when to the Spartens to provide troops. Isagoris didn’t want people to have power and freedom. Then, these regular people of Athens attacked their ruler. 
This is the first time in human history when regular people rose up against their leaders and threw them out of power. They soon turn back to Cleisthenes and he returned to Athens. Together the citizens disused their future and voted on their decisions and chose how they wanted to live. 

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