Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Greece test tomorrow! More notes on video

Themistocles was ostracized, died in exile, in Persia. The man who took his place was Pericles. He was a war hero. He became the new the leader of Athens, and he was a great leader. He wanted to glorify Athens, and he liked democracy, even though he was an aristocrat. He created a city whose greatness was admired. On the acropolis, 20 years early the Persians burnt down the temples. Pericles had other idea, he proposed a massive reconstruction plan. The Parthenon was,  in its time, the most beautiful building ever build. It was devoted to Athena. It was built to glorify Athens,  and had 20,000 tons of marble. When the building was completed, critics silenced. It was and still is the most glorious symbol of Greek empire. 
It has a 40 foot high statue of Athena inside it, with  gold and jewels and ivory.  It took 15 years to build this. The Parthenon Frieze is slab of marble; chizzle partial statue out of 500 feet worth. It's 2 and a half inches thick  along the wall of the inside of the Parthenon. This time period is known as "THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE OR THE AGE OR PERICLES." A woman named Aspasia, was known as a "companion" or a prostitute. She was with Pericles, who treated her as an equal. He divorced his wife and ended up marrying Aspasia. Greece had the worlds first theater, the greeks invented drama. It had two catigories:  comedies and tragedies. A man named Oedipus was ,at a very early age, taken away from his parents. He 
killed his father and marries his mother. When he found out the truth about his father and mother he gouged his eyes out. Pericles planed an adventure, he wanted to make Athens the undisputed leader of the Mediteranian. Hubris is excessive pride or arrogance. Pericles takes the podium of the great democratic assembly. He wanted to go to war with the Spartans. Pericles new that this would not be an easy war to win. 

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