Thursday, April 28, 2011



consul- One of Two rulers of Rome. They were like Kings and they hall power over military and government. They could control life and death of citizens in wartime. They could only serve for a year and could not run again for ten years. 
veto- to overrule; in latin it means to forbid 
senate- the aristocratic branch of Rome's government.You ruled for life on the senate and you could be Plebian or Patrician.
assembly- The democratic side of Roman government was the assembly. It was run by the people which was all the citizens and soldiers. At first they had little power but it increased over the years. 
dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. 
mercenary- soldiers who fight in any country's army for pay. 


1. Many plebeians were dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the rebulic because they were banned by law from holding most important positions in government such as commanding armies, sering as high priests, or holding high offices. However, in time the plebeians won a great share of political power. Between 494 and 287 B.C., thousands of plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army unless patricians agreed to certain reforms. In this way, they gained access to many political offices and obtained more favorable laws. Enslavement for debt was ended, and marriage between patricians and plebeians was allowed. The plebeians created a written law code called the Twelve Tables, and published it. 

2. The Romans believed they had a balanced government because it was partly a monarchy (government by the king), partly a democracy (government by the people). The Romans believed the mixture gave them the bets features of all kinds of governments. 

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, to win the support of the conquered people were treated as full citizens of Rome. They could marry other Romans, cote in assemblies, and appeal for justice in a Roman court. 

4. At the start of the Punic Wars, Carthage appeared to have the stronger power because Carthange had a huge navy of 500 ships. Carthage was also very wealthy. With that wealth, Carthage employed the people of neighboring Numidia as mercenaries. Rome's resources in ships and weath seemed meager by comparision. However, this great disadvantage was offset by three advantages. However, Rome's great advantage was that they had loyal soldiers and luck. 

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