Thursday, March 24, 2011

Greek Project

Today in class we talked about our Spring break project on Greece.We each chose a project at random. My project is on Greek architecture. We have about 10 days to work on this and we have the option of doing a powerpoint, writing an essay, making a video, or doing a rap. I will probably do a power point and paint a picture of the Parthenon for an example of Greek Architecture. This project is worth 100 point.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Greece Quiz

Today we had our quiz/test  on Greece. I got a 92%! I'm so glad i studied for it and worked on my blog, because we were about to use our blogs for the test. Some parts of the quiz was confusing.  My parents are going to be pleased!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review for the Greece Test

People/ Gods

Pericles: is a politician who was a genius, one of the individuals  who were part of Greek  intelligence

Clisthenes : was brought up from birth to be a ruler;
Clisthenes would see that these ordinary people should have freedom.
From his earliest says he was  taught he was an aristocrat.
Cleisthenes wanted regular people to govern their selves

The Corinthians: dominated greek trade.  

Spartans: were brought up from birth to be soliders.  Spartans were brought up to fight anything.

Mycenaean's: Began around 2000 BC.
Mycenaean kings dominated greece from 1600-1200 BC
Controlled trade in the region
1400 BC Mycenaean's invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language

Homer and Myths:
Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
Recorded stories of the Trojan War in The Iliad and the Odssey
(written 750-700 BC)
Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaean's
Homer was blind

Zeus: leader of the gods
Hera: Zeus' wife
Athena: goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus: was Cleisthenes brother in law , who came with a girl, she impersonates the goddess, Athena, and tells the people he's in charge.

Hippias: was in rule in Athens. His brother got killed, and he started tourchuring people. He didn’t trust anybody "he killed my brother hes gonna kill me next"  took away all the rights of the people, treated people unfairly.
Cleisthenes fought Hippias and took over Athens

Isagoris- fought Cleisthenes to run Athens and seis control
He turned outside Athens for support
He turned to the spartens, spartens provide troops to help
He didn’t want people to have power and freedom
Cleisthenes was cast out of Athens
Isagoris rulled athans

Pheidippedes - made 1 of the most atonishing athelic aceivments  140 miles in 2 days

Themistocles:  was one of histories greatest leaders, the savoir of his city
He realized if the persains came again they wernt going to be defeted.
Themistocles died in exile, persia.
He was ostracized- to banish or exclude somebody from society or from a particular group, either formally or informally.

Pericles:  a war hero , took Themistocles's place and
Became the new the leader of athen. He was a great leader.
Wanted to glorify athens, and he liked democracy
Even though he was an aristocrat
Create a city whose greatness was admired
Pericles planed an adventure
Wanted to make athens the undisputed leader of the mediteranians
Pericles takes the podium of the great democratic asembly
War, the city state with Sparta
Fictory of the spartens would make them the leader of the mediteranian sea
The athineans  embraced his plan,
Pericles new that this would not be an easy war to win
So he proposed this strategy..
He convinced athenains to retreat athens
Pericles would use the athen navy to atttack the spartens

Aspasia: what was known as a "companion" or a prostitute. Who was with Pericles
Pericles treated her as an equal though, he ivorced his wife and ended up marrying Aspasia.

Oedipus at a very early age was taken away from his parents  
Kills his father, marries his mother


Peloponnesian: the southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC

Mycenae: is located on a rocky ridge, is very well protected by a 20 ft. thick wall

Sparta: men's lives structured around discipline and war
When the men were away fighting women had a lot of responsibilities (men's work)

Xerxes: took rule of Persia (wanted to burn athens to the ground)
Gathered forces and troops
Persian army had set out for greece

Objects/ Vocab

Aristocrats: controlled everything that happened in Athens. Life was extremely tough. Athens was  turned against itself. The whole country was in the hands of a  few people.

Olympics: were a chance for any Greeks to display their quailty. Seize power whenever and  however you can

Crucible:  a vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high temperature chemical  reactions

ArĂȘte: Virtue of excellence
 Epics: Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
Myths:  were created to explain creation

Aristocrat- member of the ruling class

 acropolis- out cropping of rock. Built town on and around it

City-states: Greece was divided into city-states
Each had its own culture and history ; Often hated each other- did not get along, even though they had a lot in common (same gods). They didn’t get along because they were separated by mountains  and they were always competing

Tyrant- somebody that ceases  control (old greek definition)

Trireme- ancient ship, had men rowing it on 3 levels  170 men
Ram the enimies ship , expensive

Oracles- who comunicated with gods

Oracle of Delphi
They went to the oracle to see how they can be saved
The oracle told the athenians that they were doomed

Parthenon- in its time the most beautiful building ever build
Devoted to Athena, It was built to glorify Athens.. It was made from 20,000 tons of marble
When the building was completed, critics silenced
Was and still is the most glorious symbol of greek empire
40 foot high statue of Athenia inside had gold and jewels and ivory
15 years to build this

 Parthenon Frieze  - slab of marble chizle partial statue out of 500 feet worth
2 and a half inches thick  along the wall of the inside of the Parthenon

Hubris- excessive pride or arrogance


 from 1600-1200 BC: Mycenaean kings dominated greece

Around 1200 BC:  sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace

508 bc ordinary people turned on their rulers

483 bc silver found;  The Athenians wanted to divide the riches by them selves
200 triremes 

Greece test tomorrow! More notes on video

Themistocles was ostracized, died in exile, in Persia. The man who took his place was Pericles. He was a war hero. He became the new the leader of Athens, and he was a great leader. He wanted to glorify Athens, and he liked democracy, even though he was an aristocrat. He created a city whose greatness was admired. On the acropolis, 20 years early the Persians burnt down the temples. Pericles had other idea, he proposed a massive reconstruction plan. The Parthenon was,  in its time, the most beautiful building ever build. It was devoted to Athena. It was built to glorify Athens,  and had 20,000 tons of marble. When the building was completed, critics silenced. It was and still is the most glorious symbol of Greek empire. 
It has a 40 foot high statue of Athena inside it, with  gold and jewels and ivory.  It took 15 years to build this. The Parthenon Frieze is slab of marble; chizzle partial statue out of 500 feet worth. It's 2 and a half inches thick  along the wall of the inside of the Parthenon. This time period is known as "THE GOLDEN AGE OF GREECE OR THE AGE OR PERICLES." A woman named Aspasia, was known as a "companion" or a prostitute. She was with Pericles, who treated her as an equal. He divorced his wife and ended up marrying Aspasia. Greece had the worlds first theater, the greeks invented drama. It had two catigories:  comedies and tragedies. A man named Oedipus was ,at a very early age, taken away from his parents. He 
killed his father and marries his mother. When he found out the truth about his father and mother he gouged his eyes out. Pericles planed an adventure, he wanted to make Athens the undisputed leader of the Mediteranian. Hubris is excessive pride or arrogance. Pericles takes the podium of the great democratic assembly. He wanted to go to war with the Spartans. Pericles new that this would not be an easy war to win. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Themistocles was one of histories greatest leaders and he was the savoir of his city. He realized if the Persians came again they wernt going to be defeated. Athenian’s discovered silver in 483 BC, Themistocles wanted to spend the money on ships, but he knew right away that the Athenians wouldn't want too and that they would want to divide the riches among themselves. So he found a way too convince them to use the silver for ships and they grew into a great naval force. The ships that they used were called triremes. It is an ancient ship,that had men rowing it on 3 levels with  170 men total. The ship could ram into their enemies ships easily. A man named  Xerxes, took rule of Persia and he wanted to burn athans to the ground. So they gathered forces and troops and became one of the greatest forces. When the athianens found out that the persains were going to attack, they turned to their gods. They went to oracles, people who comunicated with the gods. They went to the oracle in Delphi, to see how they can be saved, and the oracle basically told them that they were doomed. However, Themistocles refused to panic and wanted to fight the Persians at sea. So then, the people of Athens evacuated and the Persians invaded and burnt their temples and buildings down. Themistocles had a plan, and tricked the Persians and the Athenians won the battle! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More of the video!

Today we continued watching the video about Greece. When Hippias was in rule in Athens,  he started tourchuring people. He didn’t trust anybody because his brother was killed.He toke away all the rights of the people,and treated people unfairly. An aristocrat named Cleisthenes fought Hippias and took over Athens. He treated his people fairly. Then, A man named Isagoris fought Cleisthenes to run Athens and seis control. He turned outside Athens for support, and when to the Spartens to provide troops. Isagoris didn’t want people to have power and freedom. Then, these regular people of Athens attacked their ruler. 
This is the first time in human history when regular people rose up against their leaders and threw them out of power. They soon turn back to Cleisthenes and he returned to Athens. Together the citizens disused their future and voted on their decisions and chose how they wanted to live. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Greeks Crucible of Civilization

Today we watched the video about Greece. I learned that in 508 BC ordinary people turned on their rulers. These rulers, and all members of the ruling class were known as Aristocrats. Common Athenians lived under the rule of aristocrats. A man named Cleisthenes wanted regular people to govern their selves. I also learned that an acropolis is an out cropping of rock, and a town was built on and around it. The life expectancy was less then 15 years for Athenians. Greece was divided into city-states, each had its own culture and history. 
The people in different city-states often hated each other- did not get along, even though that had a lot in common (same gods). In Sparta, men's lives structured around discipline and war. When the men were away fighting women had a lot of responsibilities such as men's work. A Tyrant is somebody that ceases  control (old greek definition). Pisistratus,Cleisthenes brother in law , came with a into Greece with a girl that impersonated Athena; he did this so he could be in charge. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ancient Greece: Info

Today  we took notes and learned more about Greece. Peloponnesia, the southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC. Mountains cover 3/4 of Greece, which is why the cities are seperated from each other. Theres 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. There were many skilled sailors, and it was a lot easier to travel by boats. Greece's location shaped its culture. Only about 20% of Greece is suitable for farming. Because of geography the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives. Lack of resources most likely  led to Greek colonization and the temperature ranges from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer. The Mycenaean's began around 2000 BC. Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge, is very well protected by a 20 ft. thick wall. Mycenaean kings dominated greece from 1600-1200 BC. They controlled trade in the region. In 1400 BC Mycenaean's invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language. Around 1200 BC sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace. The Dorian's moved into the war-torn region. The Dorian's were far less advanced. In Greece only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth. Homer, a blind man, lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages", he recorded stories of the Trojan War in The Iliad and the Odssey.The Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaean's. Some Greek Concepts are: ArĂȘte, which means virtue of excellence. Epics, which means narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds. Myths were created to explain creation. Zeus was the leader of the gods. Hera was Zeus' wife. Athena was the goddess of wisdom. 


Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Greece 3/10

Today in class we discussed more about Greece. We talked about gay marriage, and our opinions on what a marriage really is. Personally, I think that if two people are in love they should be able to do what makes them happy and get married. We also looked over the Greek Google docs power point. We talked about the Persian empire and the barbarians.It was a pretty fun class. I got to eat a snack! SCORE.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today in class Mr. Schick (you) read as a story about ancient Greece. We also worked on a Google docs power point, and we were each assigned a slide to work on. I worked on Athens. I leaned that Athens was a very important city. No other city has contributed more to the civilization of mankind than Athens. It is the place where Socrates was born, Plato, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and many others. It is the place that humanism and democracy were born. I can't wait to learn more about Greece, I think it will be very interesting. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Egypt Test today

Today we had our test on Egypt. It was pretty easy, I think I did well on it especially because we had time to review before we took the test.  We also listened to the Egypt national Anthem. It was so funny, it's definitely  Ipod material. Well, I think we're done learning about Egypt for the year, as far as I know. I really enjoyed it and I feel like i learned a lot.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Egypt: Now

Today in class we looked at Mr. Schick's Google presentation. I learned that only 3% of the land in Egypt is arable. They grow cotton, corn, rice, wheat, and fava beans. The economy makes a lot of money by tourism. The Aswan High Dam, controls the flooding of the Nile. Egypt has the biggest population of all the Middle Eastern nations, 79 million people. Their official language is Arabic. Around 90% of the people in Egypt are Muslim.1922, was the end of protectorate with United Kingdom. 1953, Egypt declared a Republic. Hosni Mubarak ruled from 1981 to 2011. He was accused of corruption, political persecution, and human rights violations. Egypt is now, currently ruled by military junta.

Test on Tuesday. YAY!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Egypt Prezi

Today we had a substitute teacher while Mr. Schick (you) were in the play. We look at the Egypt Prezi and took notes on it. I learned more about Ancient Egypt, the geography and the Egyptians "daily life." The Nile River was very important to the Egyptians. Their life was centered around the Nile. The river flows south to north and provided fertile soil. The Egyptians believed the river had certain behaviors every year and they looked at the Nile like a "living breathing entity." The slaves/servants helped the wealthy with house hold and child raising. The farmers raised wheat, barley, lentils, onions, and befitted from irrigation of the Nile. Artisans would carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the afterlife. Scribes kept records, told stories. They wrote hieroglyphs and in hieractic. Soldiers used wooden weapons (bow & arrows, spears.) The Upper class, known as the "white kilt class" were the priests, physicians, engineers.Also, Pharaohs were the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marky Mark and the Funkybunch

Yo, yo its rappin' Rachel here. So yeah, today in class we listened to Marky Mark and the funkybunch? Aleast I think thats what they're called. We also reviewed for the exam by going over our tests. It was a good class, HURRAY FOR WESTERN CIV! LEARNING IS FUN.... almost